Vision Study

Making Modern Warehousing a Reality

Get warehouse decision-makers' and associates' insights to help you navigate warehousing market demands and achieve goals around connectivity, profitability, and operational efficiency.

Making Modern Warehousing a Reality


Today’s warehouses face ever-increasing demands for speed and accuracy while contending with tighter labor markets, rising costs and economic uncertainty. Decision-makers are accelerating their investments in technology to increase efficiency across the supply chain and future-proof their operations to meet their goals around customers, regulatory requirements and employee expectations. 


  1. Modernization plans remain a priority for the immediate future.
  2. Decision-makers plan to increase the implementation of sensor technology throughout warehousing facilities within the next year.
  3. Technology tools and automation make associates feel more valued.
Content Type

Vision Study

Read Time

5 minutes

  • Supply Chain Resiliency and Agility
  • Achieving the Perfect Order Profitability
  • Automation, Augmentation and Labor Planning                                             


of decision makers have/plan to accelerate timelines of modernization projects.


of associates agree that implementing warehouse technologies, robotics and devices would help attract and retain workers.


of decision-makers have or are planning to automate workflows by 2024.

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